Are there traditional Matchmakers provided by Mawada?
No, there are no traditional Matchmakers on Mawada. Matchmakers are not allowed to use Mawada . Mawada is intended for personal use only by the individuals seeking marriage.
Reason :
When it comes to allowing matchmakers, we would need to verify their credibility, which is not feasible since they come from different countries and regions. Matchmakers often charge fees from people, and if any disputes arise between the member and the matchmaker, they might blame the website for allowing their presence and demand a refund. To prevent such situations and eliminate any potential excuses, we apologize to all matchmakers for not allowing them to use the website.
If you are a traditional matchmaker :
You should maintain separate records for your members outside the website. Registering yourself on the website will result in the suspension of your membership, even if you have a premium subscription.
Once your premium membership is suspended, you will not be able to get a refund. Therefore, we advise against registering with us as a matchmaker.